Thursday, 3 May 2012

Indonesian Batik Motif

One important distinction between Indonesian batik with other countries is the number of batik motif is generated even in the Inventory could hardly by so much. This is why UNESCO included batik Indonesia became the world heritage.

 Indonesian batik motif has a distinctive style and color. Indonesian batik motifs usually describe the natural and traditional equipment. Some of them have a complexion like a bird, flower pattern, butterfly patterns, patterns of insects, and there are also batik kris or keris has a style of traditional weapons. These motifs are made with high-level skills and expertise that has existed since the time of the ancestors who passed down from generation to generation.

Each motif is made to have a different philosophy in every area. and represents a habit or custom in the area.Suppose that in Jogjakarta, there is a batik is only allowed in pake the wedding party only. There are also batik is only allowed in pake by the king or the nobles.

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